sabroso's dance Path 

don't rush it, enjoy every step

Everything you need to know to be the best on the dance floor.


At the front desk, you’ll receive two wristbands: one for you to wear, indicating your level, and another to confirm your payment.

Salsa Sabrosa Curriculum

Below, you will find the detailed curriculum for each level. Use this to prepare for the level assessment and advance to your next level!

  • Can be/Will be taught as partner work
      • Abajo
      • Espejo
      • Forward and Back
      • Rumba (Side to Side)
      • Salsa (back and back)
      • Son
      • Vacilala
      • Vacilense
      • Dile que no
      • Coco
      • Coco Loco
      • Envuelvela
      • Envuelvete
      • Exhíbela/Scala
      • Reves
      • Rodeo
      • Dile que no from abajo
      • Dile que no with right hand
      • Exhíbela/Sácala with right hand
  • Rueda de casino: 
      • Marcar tiempo (in the spot)
      • Meneo para la vecina
      • Yogurt
      • Desprecio/ vacilón
      • 1/2/3 Fly/Linea/Rolling
      • Al piso
      • Bulla
      • Bing Bong
      • Echeverria
  • Can be/Will be taught as partner work
      • Donde vas
      • Enchufla
      • Enchufla Doble
      • Enchufla doble sin manos
      • Enchufla Doble With both hands
      • Enchufla with right hand
      • Panque/El 7
      • Saloneo
      • Con las 2 manos y Casate
      • Dedo
      • El 12
      • El uno
      • Enchufla al revés
      • Enchufla completa
      • Enchufla doble complicado
      • Exhibela con el cero
      • Pa’ti y Pa’mi
      • Paseala (A la ultima de Cuba)
      • Paseala por arriba
      • Peinala
      • Prima/Adios con la hermana/tia
      • Prima/Adios con familia – Just Familia
      • 69 (Sesenta y nueve)
      • 70 (sententa)
      • Coca-cola
      • El dedo
      • El dos
      • Enchufla a lo moderno
      • Enchufla Complicado
      • Kentucky
      • Sombrero
      • Sombrero y medio
  • Rueda De Casino:
      • Sacala a la vecina
      • Pelota 1 2 y 3
      • Pelota Loca
      • Con las manos
      • Dame
      • Dame con azucar
      • Dame con estilo
      • Dame con los codos
      • Dame con Puente
      • Dame la loca
      • Dame por abajo
      • Dame por abajo
      • “Dame y no le llegue”
      • Damela con chocolate
      • Otra
      • Camina con las manos
      • Pa’ rriba/Para Arriba/Tiempo España
      • Despelote
      • El Cero
      • El Cero Doble
      • Directo
      • Directo sin fuego. Walk until your partner
      • Tarro
      • Otro tarro
      • Tarro de mentira
      • Tarro hasta la tuya
      • Enchufla principe bueno y principe malo
      • Enchufla queen
      • Enchufla rumba
      • Enchufla y cásate
      • Enchufla y cásate – viene la suegra!
      • Enchufla y despelote
      • Pelota 4 (cuatro)
      • Pelota Loca
      • 1  (una) con 1 (una)
      • 2 (dos )con 2 (dos)
      • Damela con las manos
      • Policía
      • Tarro y me quedo/con la mano
      • Se va el tren
      • Una de Arriba
      • Festival de pelota
      • Directo complicado
      • Directo una para arriba
  • Can be/will be taught as partner work
      • 70 agachadita
      • El uno complicado
      • 70 Nuevo
      • 70 Setenta Complicad
      • 71 (Setenta y uno)
      • 72 (Setenta y dos)
      • 73 (Setenta y tres)
      • 74 (Setenta y cuatro)
      • 75 (setenta y cinco)
      • Sandia
      • Abanico
      • Balsero
      • Sombrero complicad
      • Sombrero complicad
      • Sombrero doble
      • Montaña
      • Super Mario
      • Abanico
      • Vayamos
      • Juana La Cubana
      • Mariposa
      • 70 Por Detras
      • Motaña Complicada
      • Italia
  • Required/fun to do with couples in the actual Rueda
      • Enchufla con manolin
      • Enchufla NY
      • Enchula y al medio
      • Pelota 5
      • Dame 2
      • El 6
      • El 8
      • El 8 doble
      • El 9
      • La flor
      • Enchufla la celosa
      • Enchufla la celosa con una
      • Enchufla la celosa y una de arriba
      • Doble Play
      • Enchufla
      • Patin/Patine
      • Enchula la rueda al revés
      • Exhibela complicado
      • Caracol/El chifle
      • Caminata
      • Hombres/
      • Mujeres a la Izq./Der.
      • Una de arriba y una de abajo
      • 70 con las manos
      • Cadena
      • Candado
  • Precision, styling, coordination, musicality, multiple spins, body movements are the main focus on this class
Level Progression and Assessments

For students to progress to the next level class, they must complete a Level Assessment.
During this assessment, they must demonstrate their ability to execute the steps in a social dancing “mode.” (Levels 1 & 2 will receive assistance with the music timing.)

How long would it take for you to understand, learn, and be able to execute the step correctly? Here’s the breakdown:

  • Casino level 1 – 6 to 14 classes
      • This level is essential, as it forms the basis for our growth
  • Casino level 2 – 16 to 24 classes
      • In Level 2, you’ll delve into numerous enchufla variations such as the 70, Kentucky, and montaña, which are fundamental to building upon your skills. Make sure to incorporate and become proficient in these techniques as they form the basis for further advancement
  • Casino level 3 – 24 to 48 classes
      • The multitude of combinations achievable with our knowledge will expose you to movements of all types and shapes, facilitating comprehensive learning
      • On average, advancing to Level 4 typically requires participation in Technique classes as well. Level 4 mandates proficiency in frame control, proper spinning technique, arm movement, and specific isolation-coordination skills. While Level 3 covers various steps, you may find that mastering these fundamental techniques is still necessary
  • Casino level 4 – Unknown
      • Here, the focus isn’t solely on learning individual steps; instead, we aim to elevate them to a higher level.
      • The goal is to execute movements, whether simple or complex, with a focus on styling, body movement, isolation, and increased body awareness. This should all be done while maintaining musicality and seamlessly integrating these elements simultaneously.
      • You can attend this level whenever you feel ready, but please note that teachers won’t slow down if you can’t keep up with the pace.

Progressing to the next level doesn’t imply completion of the preceding level. For instance, even after taking five classes of Level 1 and mastering aspects like timing and weight transfer, there may still be essential Level 1 steps to learn.

The timeframe we’ve established isn’t solely based on experience; we’ve also analyzed student’s statistics.

Being realistic. The quickest path to Level 3 combines the slowest completion time for Level 1 with the fastest for Level 2, totaling 30 classes. At once per week, this translates to 7.5 months, or 2.5 months if attending three times per week. In the best-case scenario, it would take around 4 months to reach Level 3. However, progressing to Level 4 requires mastering Levels 1, 2, and 3, as well as learning proper techniques. On average, this entails taking around 100 classes over 2.5 years at once per week, or 8.5 months attending three times per week

Some people have taken only one class of Level 1 and jumped into Level 2 at the next class, or completed 10 classes and are already at Level 3. How did they do it?
  • They have a background in other dances.
  • They have been exposed to dancing from a young age and have developed a strong foundation in key dancing elements such as rhythm, timing, and weight transfer.
What to Expect of the assessment

You will receive an admission wristband corresponding to the classes you will attend. If you do not have the appropriate wristband for the class you are attending, you will be asked to step out momentarily to complete the check-in process.

  • Maintain a song’s rhythm/Follows the counting.
  • Utilize proper footwork (When stepping on 1, when turning, when crossing, doing it in the right spot, etc.)
  • Showcase a variety of steps (relevant to current level). No need to remember the names of them.
  • Deliver clear cues and execution of moves.

General Knowledge

  • Check-in: Come to the front desk to complete the registration and check in process.
  • Warm-ups: We will start with a song, during which we will all face the mirror to begin the warm-up. Throughout the warm-up, our focus will be on body isolation movements to prepare ourselves for the movements and dancing in class.
  • Class: Throughout the class, our teachers will introduce new steps and combinations. You’ll have the opportunity to partner up and regularly rotate partners to ensure everyone gets a chance to dance with someone. If you’re attending class alone, don’t worry! We’ll all be dancing together.
  • Our extra hour fee is applicable only on the same day as your attended class, and it applies exclusively to partner work classes

  • Please inform the front desk during check-in if you plan to stay for two classes, so you can receive the appropriate wristband.
    • Social dancing is essentially a party where everyone comes to enjoy, socialize, and dance with each other
    • People come to social dances, commonly referred to as socials, to dance. Participants attend with the intention of dancing and having fun.
    • Both guys and girls are encouraged to approach each other to ask for a dance!
    • There isn’t much of a drinking culture associated with social dancing, as it may hinder the execution of spins and complicated movements. While drinking is allowed, it’s best enjoyed in moderation.
  • It is a special class with a specific thematic. For example, Spinning, Musicality, History of the Salsa, and much more
  • It’s usually a one-time class.
  • Often it last at least 2 hours
  • They’re an excellent and indispensable way to improve as a dancer.
  • What is Technique Class?

    • Learning how to take steps in salsa is important, but there are several other factors to consider in order to progress and elevate your dancing abilities, such as:
      • Coordinating your feet 
      • Arm positioning
      • Prepping for spins
      • Maintaining frame
      • Body/spatial awareness, and movement capability
      • How to connect with your partner
      • And many more techniques and concepts
    • Training technique is the difference between a beginner dancer and an advanced dancer
    • Your ability to utilize technique in your dancing is required to progress to Level 4.
  • It is a class where you learn how to move your body in complex ways.
  • Creating movements while simultaneously adding style and graceful shapes with your arms or legs, all at once.
  • It’s where you apply body isolation movements while executing familiar or new steps.

Advice & Tips

  • Understand that this looks easy, but as every discipline/art it requires time and dedication. It looks simple, but it is not,
  • Talk to us, maybe we can give you some advice or improve in what you need.
  • If you didn’t “connect” teacher, we have many classes with different teachers, try another class.
  • Remember that there were some “impossible” steps, and now you can master it.


  • Ask questions when instructors wonder “Do you have any questions?” or when we’re explaining, don’t do it when we’re practicing with music.
  • Start to execute the movement with everyone when the instructors call the “let’s go!” Don’t rush, if you do so, you’ll be excluded from the instructor feedback. Because we can’t track the movements correctly if everyone is doing things at different timing.
  • Ask either beginner or advanced dancers to dance.
      • Leaders with Beginners:
          • Make sure you give clear ques, so she is able to follow them.
          • Take advantage to practice styling while doing basic movements. If she follows, probably you’re doing the right cues.
      • Leaders with Advanced:
          • If the steps are not working with the beginners, but neither with advanced, then you know you’ve things to improve on.
          • Execute complex steps that you know and check out how it works and use it to improve.
      • Followers with Beginners:
          • Perfect opportunity to work in styling and learn how to find those moments where you can add flavor in the basic movements in many ways.
          • Focus on your footwork and make sure that you’re doing your part while reading the signals if they’re clear.
      • Followers with Advanced:
          •  Pay the most attention to following the cues, in this case you’ll be able to know for sure and try to not guess what’s coming.
          • Try to look for the opportunity to apply style in the complex movements.
      • Say No (And tell them way so they can improve)
          • When a dancer is being in any way disrespectful when they dance. Reach out the instructors if needed.
          • If hygiene is inappropriate
          • If you just don’t like to dance with that particular person.
  • Dancing seems easy but it is not, be patient with yourself.
  • As beginners:
      • Usually, we’re eager and excited to learn the most complex movements, when actually level 1 & 2 are so difficult and has so much in it that you can stay for a year and still learn many things.
      • Don’t make the mistake to want to get out of level 1 & 2 as fast as you can, those level are crucial to become a good dancer.
  • For advance dancers
      • It is easy after a year or 2, to think you’ve got to learn all you can, if you just want to have fun, probably that will be enough, but this is usually a sign of an immature dancer that actually don’t look at themselves critically and objectively enough to realize that there is still so much to learn. 


  • Sorry! There is not a fast way to become good at any discipline.
  • The perfect way is to combine classes with social dancing. Both are necessary from day one.
  • Take classes not only to learn steps but pay attention to the techniques behind them.
  • Attend techniques, body movement, styling, musicality classes as well, pretty often they’re crucial for you to level up your skills.
  • Going 1 hour per week to a class will not take you far away.
  • Dance with beginners and advanced dancers. Both have advantages.
  • Followers & leaders… Ask people to dance, don’t wait for them to come.
  • Don’t be shy, dance with the teachers, they’ll be happy to dance with you no matter your level, but ask them, understand we’re a few, you’re many.
  • The fundamentals, the basic techniques & movements are the most important and complex, that will create the whole foundation of your skills as a dancer.
  • Not if you’re level 1-2. You still have to learn & improve in… everything, you can take the “dile que no” class and still learn a lot.
  • For everyone else, it’s worth it only if you are aware of what you’ll like to work on. Planning the class and say “what should I improve on” won’t get you the most of the class.
  • You need it to improve those things you struggle the most and can’t figured out to achieve those skills

Rules & Norms

  • Please do not attend the class after you go to the gym or you had a long day of hard work. 
  • With all the students
      • We all come to learn a new skill but also to have fun, so let’s keep our environment fun and chill as usually.
  • With the instructors & Staff
      • Nobody is perfect, so if you disagree or dislike something, just talk about it with the instructor after class. Everything can be solved in a conversation.
  • With the school
      • We value and respect your feedback, but also understand that we have our ways and a strong philosophy. So, make sure that your values match with ours.